I am honored to have been a panelist for the March 6, 2020 Chicago Bar Association’s Working Women’s Legal Summit seminar, “Leveling the Playing Field: Understand Your Worth and Maximize Your Compensation.”
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Jennifer Lavin to be a Panelist at Divorce Symposium
I am honored to have been a panelist for the April 8, 2020 Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education seminar, “Domestic Relations in the Era of COVID-19” with several attorney colleagues and judges.
Jennifer Lavin Article published on Divorced Girl Smiling
I am honored to announce that my article, “Why Mediation During COVID-19 Makes Sense,” has been published on the Divorced Girl Smiling website. Thank you to the Collaborative Law Institute of Illinois for the opportunity to contribute this piece.
Jennifer Lavin to Speak at Divorce Symposium
Thinking about getting divorced, or in the early stages of the process? On January 23, Private Vista’s Project Venus Initiative is hosting a Divorce Symposium, where you will hear from myself and other divorce professionals in every field. We’ll provide you with the guidance you need during this challenging time. Click below for more information and to register.Thinking about getting divorced, or in the early stages of the process? On January 23, Private Vista’s Project Venus Initiative is hosting a Divorce Symposium, where you will hear from myself and other divorce professionals in every field. We’ll provide you with the guidance you need during this challenging time. Click below for more information and to register.