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    Family Law

    Jennifer Lavin Presents “Choose Your Divorce Path” hosted by The Lilac Tree

    I am honored to have been asked to present regarding the traditional litigation approach to divorce at the July 24, 2018 “Choose Your Divorce Path” seminar hosted by The Lilac Tree with my colleague Rita Ghose, who presented regarding the collaborative law and mediation approaches to divorce. ... Read more

    Two Important Changes to Illinois Spousal Maintenance

    Jennifer L. Lavin, P.C. is pleased to announce the publication of her article co-authored with Christina Castrejon of Calamos Wealth Management, “Two Important Changes to Illinois Spousal Maintenance,” in the May-June, 2018 issue of Chicago Woman Magazine. (You can also view the article by clicking here.) ... Read more

    Alternative Dispute Resolution in Illinois Divorce and Family Law Matters

    Jennifer Lavin is featured in her recent January 25, 2018 article regarding divorce and family law mediation and the collaborative divorce process, “There Must Be a Better Way!”:  Alternative Dispute Resolution in Illinois Divorce and Family Law Matters. ... Read more

    Illinois Collaborative Process Act Takes Effect in Illinois

    On January 1, 2018, the Illinois Collaborative Process Act became effective Illinois law, which recognizes both the viability and the validity of the collaborative divorce and family law process practiced in Illinois for over fifteen years and includes Illinois among the current number of sixteen states, along with the District of Columbia, to codify the collaborative process. The full text of the legislation may be found here: Contact Jennifer L. Lavin, P.C. at (312) 919-8857 for a complimentary consultation to discuss your options, including ... Read more