
I became a divorce and family law attorney because I have been where you are right now.

My parents divorced when I was five years old, and I swore that it would never happen to me — but it did. And when it did, I tackled my four-year separation like a research project as I began to investigate the foreign world of divorce. Employing these familiar skills from my former career as a college professor gave me a feeling of control during, what I learned as a client, can often be a frustrating experience. As time progressed, I began to work on my own case whenever I could. As I encountered the legal universe of documents, court dates, and negotiations, I found that I was actually enjoying myself, an ironic outcome that I certainly would not have predicted, but one that would lead me to embark upon a second career as a divorce and family law attorney.

I believe that divorce is a life experience that, in many ways, we can choose to control, not something that merely happens to us. In my practice, I help my clients to take control of the legal process by navigating it with a compassionate attorney who has also experienced it firsthand as a client. Because I have paid my own legal bills, I work with my clients to exercise control of their legal costs by strategizing wherever possible to minimize fees and maximize outcomes.

I believe that it takes a village to get divorced. While I am an essential part of the team, I encourage my clients to collaborate with my network of trusted professionals, including family therapists, financial advisors, realtors, and business experts, to assist them as they actively create optimistic futures for themselves.

I became a divorce and family law attorney because I know that there is life after divorce, for you and for your children. Let’s talk about how to best achieve it. Contact me at (312) 919-8857 to schedule a complimentary consultation.